Friday, January 12, 2007

The Dad

Hi Everyone -- This is Paul I decided to make a blog because my kids have one and I can't be out-done. Besides, I think it's cool. I have lots of pictures to share. I have a girlfriend Wendy, a daughter Lisa, my three sons Michael, Ryan and Scott, and Three grand kids. I am a pretty lucky guy. My favor ate hobby is Kite boarding. I also like windsurfing. Lately I haven't kiteboarded much because there is No Snow, and I have been working in Camden NJ. This has enabled me to visit my Daughter, son-in-law, and grand kids. That part of it has been really fun. After Christmas we had a family reunion out here at my daughters house in NYC. Thank you Lisa and Justin for putting us up. We spent a few days in Philadelphia and had breakfast with Ben Franklin. Then we saw the first congress, the liberty bell and a few other sites. Wendy and I went skating at Rockefeller Center. It was OK. At least I can say I did it. Wend and I also saw the Statute of Liberty. She is an amazing lady and a reminder to all of us what America stands for.

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