Saturday, January 13, 2007

Ice Skating with Grandkids

My grand kids and I just got back from ice skating. It was fun Andrew is learning to glide better on one foot, and Matty is learning to skate on her own without holding on. Anna wanted to join her mom, brother and sister, but she had to watch from the sideline. This picture was actually taken back in December when Scott was here and we went Ice Skating with Justin and the Kids.

Friday, January 12, 2007

The Dad

Hi Everyone -- This is Paul I decided to make a blog because my kids have one and I can't be out-done. Besides, I think it's cool. I have lots of pictures to share. I have a girlfriend Wendy, a daughter Lisa, my three sons Michael, Ryan and Scott, and Three grand kids. I am a pretty lucky guy. My favor ate hobby is Kite boarding. I also like windsurfing. Lately I haven't kiteboarded much because there is No Snow, and I have been working in Camden NJ. This has enabled me to visit my Daughter, son-in-law, and grand kids. That part of it has been really fun. After Christmas we had a family reunion out here at my daughters house in NYC. Thank you Lisa and Justin for putting us up. We spent a few days in Philadelphia and had breakfast with Ben Franklin. Then we saw the first congress, the liberty bell and a few other sites. Wendy and I went skating at Rockefeller Center. It was OK. At least I can say I did it. Wend and I also saw the Statute of Liberty. She is an amazing lady and a reminder to all of us what America stands for.